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Research and Courses

Research is the driving force of my work which adds extra value to my clinical activity. 
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I have published the first clinical case where acupuncture was used for the treatment of a combined circulatory, digestive and musculoskeletal problem: 

Acupuncture for Anaemia and Large Intestine Impaction Associated with Hind Limb Weakness in a Horse: A Case Report.

I have participated in the research of dry needling as a treatment for equine myofascial pain, presenting several papers at international congresses:

IX International Symposium on Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy in Sweden (2016): “Improvement of myofascial pain in equine brachiocephalicus muscle using dryneedling technique.”

28 ONCE Physiotherapy Congress about "Fascia: Scientific Advances" in Madrid (2018): “Intra-rater reliability in locating myofascial trigger point in the equine brachiocephalicus muscle.” 

II International Congress of Invasive Physiotherapy in Valencia (2018): “Pressure pain threshold to evaluate myofascial pain in the equine brachiocephalicus muscle: a reliability study.”

30 ONCE Physiotherapy Congress about “Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Myofascial Trigger Points” in Madrid (2020): “Painful response to trigger point palpation in the equine brachiocephalicus muscle: a preliminary study.”

I am also in the process of writing two chapters on equine dry needling in two specialised books.

I am an instructor for the international equine dry needling courses at  “Myopain Seminars”, an internationally recognised teaching institution in the field of myofascial pathology based in the United States.

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