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The Good Education

Many of the conversations you have with other colleagues in the profession involve the following questions:...what techniques do you usually use? what works best for you?....

My greatest working tool is EDUCATION. I believe that communication based on the principles of transparency, and not on exclusively commercial principles, is the basis of human relations, empathy and truth. Therefore, it is the basic tool I use in my treatments. EDUCATE, TRAIN AND CREATE AWARENESS.

My main goal with owners and their horses is to create a solid foundation of understanding. What do I mean by this? I try to LISTEN to their concerns and assess everything that may be causing that dysfunction or pathology in the animal. I try to TRANSMIT a knowledge base that I believe every owner should have and can have.

Many professions and fields intersect in the equine sector. In this species, more than any other, it is necessary to know all the factors that influence the management and training of the horse. As a professional of integrative medicine, I analyze each of these parts in order to establish a real diagnosis together with the other professionals involved.

But, a great part of the success of the treatment is that the owner becomes an ACTIVE part of the animal's life, works on the bond with him and commits to his progress. And to do this, he must UNDERSTAND. To understand, health professionals such as veterinarians, must educate.

So, if you ask me about the machines or techniques I use in my treatments, I will always answer that I always treat.....from THE GOOD EDUCATION.


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