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Dry Needling

Dry needling is a physiotherapeutic technique used to treat myofascial trigger points characteristic of myofascial pain syndrome, one of the main causes of chronic musculoskeletal pain. It consists of the insertion of specific needles in those trigger points that we have previously diagnosed by palpation of taut bands.


Is its effectiveness scientifically proven?

Yes, dry needling has a high level of scientific evidence in humans. It has physiological effects on the muscle tension band, decreasing motor plate noise and acetylcholine levels; on blood flow, improving oxygenation; as well as reducing central sensitisation phenomena characteristic of chronic pain (Cagnie et al., 2013).

Dry needling is indicated for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain caused by trigger points, which can be externalised through the following signs: hard on the bit, difficulty in bending, back pain, lack of impulsion in the hindlimbs, sudden movements of the head, gait irregularities and lack of fluidity in movement.

How can it help my horse?

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